Become a Teaml Content Writer

This position gives you the opportunity to help website owners create professional sales text, blog articles, social media posts, promotional content, and much more. Receive copywriting job offers, place customized bids, get paid after every job, and improve your profile for future customers!



Bid on multiple orders at the same time and charge your own prices for each project!


Talk directly and securely to your customers online to discuss order details and go over drafts.


Build your own Content Writer Portfolio and get more offers for your expert services!


Receive payments securely anywhere in the world via PayPal, Skrill, or bank wire transfer within 48 hours.


Grow a loyal, returning customer base, and look forward to constant new opportunities.


Receive email, SMS, or push notifications about all important order updates.



An applicant’s native language should match their primary writing language.


An applicant should hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree in the target subject.


Strong writing skills and 3+ years of copywriting experience are required. Experience with marketing and sales is a plus!


An applicant should be available 24/7 to respond to urgent inquiries and customer questions.

How to Become a Writer?

If you are confident in your skills and knowledge base, you can apply for a writing position at Teaml.
Send us your CV along with samples of your previous work, specify your subject field, and show us your enthusiasm to work.
We'll go over all the CV's and then proceed to check the samples of only those who have the relevant degrees and experience.
Once your CV is approved, you will receive a notification that you have been selected for a probation period at Teaml.
Our managers and quality assurance team will guide you through your first orders as well as track your performance to ensure you are a perfect fit for our company.


How can I improve my order acceptance and payment rate?

Don't worry! Just follow the following guidelines and tips:

  1. Never take new orders while you are still working on an order. You should be available to work as soon as you get an order and should start on it immediately. Don't take orders and postpone doing them till right before the deadline.
  2. Submit early drafts. It will help you know if you are moving in the right direction. Regular draft submissions almost always result in a happy customer that gets exactly what they requested and more repeat clients for you.
  3. Communicate with your customer while working on their order. Ask questions if you have any doubts regarding the final objective of the copy or the tone, style, and wordplay they want.
  4. Be proactive. Stay online as much as possible and reply to your customer’s questions as soon as they are asked. Regularly report on your progress and inform them about the current project status. Make sure to actively communicate with them as much as possible.
  5. Make your customers happy and grow your customer base. Return customers are more likely to offer you new projects!

What are the basic requirements to apply for a content writing position?

We accept only the best writers, so please read our requirements before you apply:

  1. Native speakers only - we do not accept writers with English as a second language.
  2. Strong writing skills and 3+ years of copywriting experience in Marketing/Sales are required.
  3. An applicant should hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate Degree along with his content writing skills.
  4. An applicant should be able to work under pressure and with tight deadlines. They must be responsible, proactive and have strong communication skills.

A customer has not replied to my offer. Why?

Customers usually receive many offers and messages from content writers so don't be surprised if you don't receive an immediate response.

  1. Your offer should be competitive, interesting and reasonably priced for the customer. At the same time, don't offer the lowest price possible because the customer may have concerns about the quality of your work.
  2. Send the customer a welcome message: write few words about yourself, what your strong points are, and why the customer should choose you. Describe your vision of how this content writing task should be created.
  3. Improve your profile, rating and completion rate. Customers are likely to reply and choose content writers with good stats and reviews.

How do I get paid?

Your earnings are credited to your account balance and you may withdraw them at any time. We provide you with several payment options:

  1. PayPal
  2. Skrill
  3. Payoneer
  4. ePayments
  5. VISA \ Mastercard

To withdraw funds:

  1. Go to the My Finance section and click on the Withdraw tab.
  2. Type in the amount you want to withdraw and select a payment method.
  3. Click Submit and a withdrawal task will be created for our Finance department. They will process it within 48 hours.

Note: We do not cover transaction commission or fees that your payment method may deduct on your end. For example, PayPal charges about 5% of the received amount while Skrill doesn't. Bank wire transfers are sent with the commission type "Shared".

How does the order process work?

  1. Customers deposit a percentage of the total contract value when they accept your bid. The reserved amount is a guarantee of the availability of funds on your customer's balance when the order will be completed.
  2. Once you have finished all the content writing tasks agreed upon in the contract, the customer will check your work and accept it if they are satisfied with the quality and if everything is done according to their instructions.
  3. In case the customer is dissatisfied with parts of your work, they may release a partial payment (75% - 95%) depending on the quality of the content.
  4. Poor quality content writing may be canceled with no payment at all.